Sunday, January 09, 2005

No more rogering

I've really not wanted to shag SoyBoy for some time and I don't know why. I'm beginning to worry that it's because he's so nice to me. Affliction has happened in past and wondering if other women suffer the same thing. Is this why we covet arseholes? Do we love men who are complete wankers because we never get the upper hand - constantly yearning for them to adore us. Once they do adore us, bordom sets in? Or maybe it's just me?

After getting off to fabulously raunchy sexual start which led me to move in for sex-on-demand (also saves on cable bill), our sexual rampages have dwindled to almost non-existent. Apart from the possibility of his icky niceness, there are a couple of other turn-offs, namely:

a) He sports a rather large penis, and wedging me against the stove as if it were a bollard is perhaps only accepted the first time for sick glee in having a lower-back knob indenture reading "high". Dent eventually diminishes (takes about a week) but huge penis doesn't.
b) Basic sex can hurt. Depending on position the pain can sometimes be mild like a dull tooth ache or severe - ie anal.

to be continued...or not